Author: jen

I've said this often, I am a terrible procrastinator. I've spent too much time (years really) attempting to either perfect every poem or simply find every excuse of why I cannot find the time to write. Every moment I look up and realize how much...

Within the first 10 days of this new year, I’ve come across a few blogs, statuses and tweets of those “resolving” themselves for 2013. I, myself, have often been one of those people, demanding newfound and cast-aside undertakings where I will be a better lover, better friend, better bodied, and most...

"Cruelty" by Lucille Clifton I just mentioned on Twitter that I was thinking of a simple idea: it is interesting how things you thought were no longer have a way of coming back in such nearly invisible ways. I then thought of this poem, "Cruelty" by...